You have a place at CPC

Whether you’ve always been part of a faith community or you’re coming in with lots of questions, know that you can feel at home here. Church is a place to grow, serve, heal, and belong.

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Spend time with others learning and practicing the love of Jesus.

Get Involved


Serve in our hospitality ministries. Get involved as a member. Be an advocate.

Serving Opportunities


Rest. Receive prayer or visitation. Be inspired.

Request Prayer


Join a fellowship group. Make friends. Be called into leadership.

Find Belonging

Food & Hospitality

CPC is committed to the wellbeing and vitality of the Carmichael community. We offer a four day a week Food Closet and monthly hot supper with fellowship time. In partnership with Carmichael HART we  offer transitional housing, winter respite, and a bathroom and shower ministry. We also partner with World Relief Sacramento to provide social support to Afghan refugee families.

Community Care

Present & Active

CPC people live, work, and volunteer in Carmichael and across the greater Sacramento area. We also offer space for community groups to meet on our beautiful campus.

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Youth mission trips

Our middle school and senior high youth groups engage in a variety of social justice, earth care, and service learning activities throughout the year.

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Celebrating 100+ years

Carmichael Presbyterian Church has been praising God and serving the Carmichael Community since 1923.


Opportunity Knocks

Our life in Christ is renewed during worship, inspired through study of scripture, and enriched by service. Some ways to help out and connect include:

Music leadership and tech team
Earth Care team
Volunteering for the Food Closet
Joining a fellowship or study group

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